Yves Delorme Outlet Shipping



We offer Free Shipping within the United States on all orders $300.00+ (USD). For orders under $300.00 (USD), the shipping charge is a flat rate of $9.99.


Canadian shipments will incur additional charges for Duty, Customs Clearance, and Freight.


At this time, we are only able to ship to the United States and Canada. US Territories not included.


In order for you to receive your items as quickly as possible, we will sometimes need to ship in multiple packages. If we need to ship in multiple packages, you will receive tracking information or all shipments separately with itemized contents.




FedEx Ground (5-7 Business Days)


We begin to process your order as soon as it is placed and due to the time difference, we are sometimes unable to cancel or change your order.


We currently ship the majority of our products from our French warehouse, Monday through Friday, using FedEx International Express shipping with standard delivery times of 2-4 business days. Due to International Customs, we are not able to expedite packages that are shipped from France.


We have a small selection of products that ship from our Virginia warehouse, Monday through Friday, using FedEx Ground shipping with standard delivery time of 3-5 business days. Items shipping from Virginia include all Comforters, Pillows, Decorative Pillows by Iosis and more.


If your order contains items that ship from both of our warehouse locations, you will receive tracking information for all packages separately.


For expedited shipping, please call Customer Service at 1-800-322-3911 to process over the phone.


*Please note, FedEx is currently experiencing a longer than normal delivery time due to labor shortages, supply chain demand, and constraints from COVID-19. We are closely monitoring the conditions and the delivery of your shipment will be completed as quickly as possible.


**Shipments to Canada make take up to two weeks for delivery.